IE 5.0 Rocks!: Internet
Explorer 5.0
1. In IE 5.0, select Tools > Internet
Options > General > Languages button.
2. Press the Add button.
3. Type "ie-ee" (no quotes) and click OK.
4. Move "User Defined [ie-ee] to the top of the list.
5. Exit back to where you can browse in IE 5 again.
6. Click on the Search toolbar button (to open Search Assistant).
7. Laugh at the new options.
8. Select Previous Searches.
9. Click Customize.

IE 4.0 Development Team: Internet Explorer
1. Go to Help and then click About
2. Hold the Control key and click and drag the E and drop it on the globe, then
let go of the Control key
3. Now, hold the Control key again and drag the globe and try to PUSH the
Internet Explorer logo to the side
4. When the Internet Explorer logo moves there will be a button called Unlock,
click it. The globe will start dancing.
5. Hold the Control key and move the E back on top of the globe and BOOM!

Blue Netscape:
Internet Explorer 4.0 and 5.0
1. In the address bar,
type in "about:mozilla" (no quotes)
2. You get a blue screen.